Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Freed for Freedom

Scripture Reference: Galatians 5:1

We preach a lot on the subject of what we have been freed from. This messages speaks of the things we have been freed into - Freedom.

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Grace 101: Exodus the Passover

Scripture Reference: Exodus 12

Jesus is the Passover lamb. From Exodus we see the type and shadow of what Jesus would be and what He would do when He came to earth as God in the flesh.

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Abba Father

Scripture Reference: Mark 14:36, Romans 8:15-16, Galatians 4:6

God is never referred to as Abba in Old Testament. It was close to the heart of Jesus to reveal God as abba father to us in the New Testament. Abba means daddy. God is your daddy and he has your best interest at heart.

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Grace 101: Moses and the Burning Bush

Scripture Reference Exodus 2:23-25 and Exodus 3 

Moses was drawn by the presence of God in the bush and that the bush wasn't consumed by the fire. We need to shift to a presence-drawn mentality.

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

The Balanced Life

Scripture References 1 Peter 5:5-8. Mark 4:35-41. Proverbs 19:12

In Grace circles, balance is sometimes a naughty word. Some think that when you preach balance, you are trying to balance Law and Grace. Not so. In the New Covenant it's Grace plus nothing. The balanced life is one that is both sober and vigilant. Listen and learn how you can have the balanced life. 

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Grace 101: Joseph - The School of Grace

Scripture Reference: Genesis Chapters 42-50

We can learn lessons from the School of Grace that Joseph went through. Stop trying to learn in the "school of hard knocks" and enroll of the School of Grace. 

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Chris Polk Chris Polk

Disarming the Accuser

Scripture reference: Zechariah 3:1-4
Revelation 12:7-12

There are two voices in your head. The voice of satan or the voice of the Spirit; the voice of "fix your behavior" or the voice of "The Finished Work." This message will lead you to right believing, and right believing leads to right living. 

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Grace 101: Joseph - A Garment of Grace

Scripture: Genesis Chapter 37-41, 1 Chronicles 5:1

As the Lord was with Joseph; in the pit, in Potiphar's house, in prison and in the palace, He is also with you. He caused Joseph's life to be painted with favor; favor that protected him, prospered him, and promoted him. That is the Lord's intent for you as well. Your Garment of Grace can't be taken away from you. 

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Grace 101: Jacob's Two Wives

Genesis 29 & 30

Jacob's wives represent the two covenants: Law and Grace, New and Old. If you fall in love with the one, you will work out of love for her. If you work and labor for the other, she will leave you frustrated, confused, and worn out. Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. 


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