Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Differently: Speak

Part Three of the series DIFFERNTLY will help develop a Better Covenant vocabulary. Meaning we emphasize the power of words & their ability to shape reality. The kingdom of God is voice activated. As we declared in week one, observation (See Differently) empowers us to affect the life we will experience, but when coupled with the power embedded in our conversation, a power born of Spirit, emerges that can transform our internal and external worlds.

November 19, 2024

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Part Three of the series DIFFERENTLY will help develop a Better Covenant vocabulary. Meaning we emphasize the power of words & their ability to shape reality. The kingdom of God is voice activated. As we declared in week one, observation (See Differently) empowers us to affect the life we will experience, but when coupled with the power embedded in our conversation, a power born of Spirit, emerges that can transform our internal and external worlds.

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Differently: Believe

In Part Two of our series, DIFFERENTLY, we will discover that our beliefs play a central role in determining the way we experience life. They are the lens through which we see the world and are the template used to interpret what we see. What we see and believe is the foundation to HOW we live. Maybe your situation doesn't need to change as much or more importantly than your belief about your current situation. Pastor Jamie and Lisa want to motivate with the truth that we rise and fall to the level of our beliefs. So. let's change our beliefs through repentance!

November 12, 2023

In Part Two of our series, DIFFERENTLY, we will discover that our beliefs play a central role in determining the way we experience life. They are the lens through which we see the world and are the template used to interpret what we see. What we see and believe is the foundation to HOW we live. Maybe your situation doesn't need to change as much or more importantly than your belief about your current situation. Pastor Jamie and Lisa want to motivate with the truth that we rise and fall to the level of our beliefs. So. let's change our beliefs through repentance!
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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Differently: See

This brand new series for November will show us that in the kingdom we are taught that, we tremendously influence the outcomes we experience. We co-labor with God. In the kingdom where ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE you can participate in shaping the reality you experience. A significant key is how you LOOK at things. We participate with Christ in causing specific outcomes to happen. Remember Matthew 16:19, "Whatever you loose in heaven is loose on earth . . ."

November 5, 2023

This brand new series for November will show us that in the kingdom we are taught that, we tremendously influence the outcomes we experience. We co-labor with God. In the kingdom where ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE you can participate in shaping the reality you experience. A significant key is how you LOOK at things. We participate with Christ in causing specific outcomes to happen. Remember Matthew 16:19, "Whatever you loose in heaven is loose on earth . . ."


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Encounters: On The Other Side

There is healing, restoration, & redemption on the other side! Are there uncontrollable issues savaging your life? Listen to this message, & allow God to encounter you so you can get to the other side!

October 29, 2023

There is healing, restoration, & redemption on the other side! Are there uncontrollable issues savaging your life? Listen to this message, & allow God to encounter you so you can get to the other side!

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Encounters: Strike The Ground

Sometimes we get tired, we loose our passion, & we don't go far enough. This Message from Jonathan will FIRE YOU UP! Your encounter with God is an everyday meeting. Keep striking the ground, keep being passionate, & keep trusting God. A miracle & blessing ALWAYS comes from that!

October 22, 2023

Sometimes we get tired, we loose our passion, & we don't go far enough. This Message from Jonathan will FIRE YOU UP! Your encounter with God is an everyday meeting. Keep striking the ground, keep being passionate, & keep trusting God. A miracle & blessing ALWAYS comes from that!

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Encounters: Current Covenants

In the old covenant, God dealt with nations based on leadership. In the New Covenant God no longer deals with nations, He deals with Individuals. Allow Holy Spirit to lead you! This message is an encouraging tool to help remove fear about the most recent current events.

October 15, 2023

In the old covenant, God dealt with nations based on leadership. In the New Covenant God no longer deals with nations, He deals with Individuals. Allow Holy Spirit to lead you! This message is an encouraging tool to help remove fear about the most recent current events.

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Encounters: Face To Face

In this sermon we are sharing about what we need to leave behind as we encounter Jesus. The disciples left behind their nets. The woman at the well left her pots behind. What will you leave behind as you ENCOUNTER Jesus face to face.

October 8, 2023

In this sermon we are sharing about what we need to leave behind as we encounter Jesus. The disciples left behind their nets. The woman at the well left her pots behind. What will you leave behind as you ENCOUNTER Jesus face to face.

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Encounters: No More Numbness

In 2 Kings 5, Naaman suffered from leprosy. The progression of the disease goes from pain [a feeling] to numbness [no feeling]. Without an ENCOUNTER with the healing power of God, he would die. So many in the church have been hurt for too long and have become numb, unaware of the POWER of God. Pastor Jamie will be leading us in a teaching on Face to Face Encounters with Jesus. This will be part one.

October 1, 2023

In 2 Kings 5, Naaman suffered from leprosy. The progression of the disease goes from pain [a feeling] to numbness [no feeling]. Without an ENCOUNTER with the healing power of God, he would die. So many in the church have been hurt for too long and have become numb, unaware of the POWER of God. Pastor Jamie will be leading us in a teaching on Face to Face Encounters with Jesus. This will be part one.

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

We Are The Church: Grace Life

After coming back from a conference Pastor Jamie & Lisa are fueled up to talk more about the church & how we are Grace Life.

September 17, 2023

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After coming back from a conference Pastor Jamie & Lisa are fueled up to talk more about the church & how we are Grace Life.

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We Are The Church: A Family

Pastor Jamie shares about how we are all family. Brothers and Sisters with God our Father! How do we operate as a functional family in a dysfunctional world?

September 10, 2023

Pastor Jamie shares about how we are all family. Brothers and Sisters with God our Father! How do we operate as a functional family in a dysfunctional world?

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We Are The Church: His Body

“The disciples saw the head & believed in the body. We see the body & must believe in the head.” - St. Augustine

We are called to be the body of christ, & it starts from the head & goes down to the feet. Listen to this message & find how we as the body are supposed to be operating in the world.

August 27, 2023

“The disciples saw the head & believed in the body. We see the body & must believe in the head.” - St. Augustine

We are called to be the body of christ, & it starts from the head & goes down to the feet. Listen to this message & find how we as the body are supposed to be operating in the world.

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We Are The Church: His Bride

In the first sermon of our new series, we are the church, Pastor Jamie informs us, that we are the bride of Christ. Our vocabulary must change from one of the battlefield to the bed chambers. We are his beloved, and he gave his life for his bride. listen and be moved by the saviors love for his church.

August 20, 2023

In the first sermon of our new series, we are the church, Pastor Jamie informs us, that we are the bride of Christ. Our vocabulary must change from one of the battlefield to the bed chambers. We are his beloved, and he gave his life for his bride. listen and be moved by the saviors love for his church.

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Faith: The Five Letter Word

Faith starts with YES. We are either; striving, surviving, or thriving! Listen to this encouraging guidance from Pastor Frank to get some practical strategies of audacious faith! GO WITH THE GOOD NEWS!

August 13, 2023

Faith starts with YES. We are either; striving, surviving, or thriving! Listen to this encouraging guidance from Pastor Frank to get some practical strategies of audacious faith! GO WITH THE GOOD NEWS!

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Radical Generosity

The wealth of the wicked stored up for the righteous. When God gets a hold of your heart he gets all of you; including your wallet. In Luke 19 Jesus affirms Zaccheaus and he becomes radically generous. Those following jesus witnessed Zaccheaus response to Jesus and thought that heaven would immediately appear. Bishop Jamie Englehart so passionately shares from this passage encouraging us to Love the marginalized.

August 6, 2023

The wealth of the wicked stored up for the righteous. When God gets a hold of your heart he gets all of you; including your wallet. In Luke 19 Jesus affirms Zaccheaus and he becomes radically generous. Those following jesus witnessed Zaccheaus response to Jesus and thought that heaven would immediately appear.  Bishop Jamie Englehart so passionately shares from this passage encouraging us to Love the marginalized.

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Listening To His Voice: He Said It! I Believe It!

God has already accomplished His promises in Christ. God was not predicting what might happen. He promised and fulfilled what HE promised. Trust grows when we give verbal affirmation to what God has spoken over us | to us!

July 30, 2023

God has already accomplished His promises in Christ. God was not predicting what might happen. He promised and fulfilled what HE promised. Trust grows when we give verbal affirmation to what God has spoken over us | to us!

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Listening To His Voice: What Is He Speaking?

God came to give us an abundant life! A life that we can enjoy! Scripture tells us that His word is LIFE; if you're not enjoying life it is time to start listening to Him.

July 23, 2023

God came to give us an abundant life! A life that we can enjoy! Scripture tells us that His word is LIFE; if you're not enjoying life it is time to start listening to Him.


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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Listening To His Voice: He Still Speaks

The very first person to ever speak was our Heavenly Father. The first person we should listen to every day is our Heavenly Father. We need to start dialing into the Father's voice because he is constantly trying to speak to us.

July 16, 2023

The very first person to ever speak was our Heavenly Father. The first person we should listen to every day is our Heavenly Father. We need to start dialing into the Father's voice because he is constantly trying to speak to us.

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The Night God Rocked The House

We need a reminder that in life we are gonna feel trapped, we might feel defeated, & we might need help. All it takes is praise & worship & believing in Jesus, & HE WILL shake you free!

July 9, 2023

We need a reminder that in life we are gonna feel trapped, we might feel defeated, & we might need help. All it takes is praise & worship & believing in Jesus, & HE WILL shake you free!

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Mystical Union (Our Seamless Oneness In Christ)

"The Mystical Union" we hear this in every wedding we go to, but what does it truly mean? It means that the mystery of God is found in our complete constant living through Christ & His Cross!

June 25, 2023

"The Mystical Union" we hear this in every wedding we go to, but what does it truly mean? It means that the mystery of God is found in our complete constant living through Christ & His Cross!

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The Language Of Our Father

Studies show that sons & daughters usually speak the same language that their Father speaks. What is the language does our Heavenly Father Speak? He speaks JESUS! Find out how you can too!

June 18, 2023

Studies show that sons & daughters usually speak the same language that their Father speaks. What is the language does our Heavenly Father Speak? He speaks JESUS! Find out how you can too!

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