Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Family Matters: Redeemed By Christ


FEBRUARY 26, 2017

This is the third and final message in the series: Family Matters

Resolving Conflict within our families is crucial as is reviewing our commitments.  However, without the knowledge and awakening to the Redemptive work of Christ, even in our families, nothing else matters.  Christ came to the world to complete the Father's redemptive plan....He came born into a Family.  This expresses to us how much God is a family man and His plan is a family plan.  Noah as a family man. Abraham was a family man.  moses was a family man.  Joshua was a family man.  Joseph was a family man!  Acts 16:31

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Family Matters: Reviewing Commitment

FEBRUARY 19, 2017

The second message in the series "Family Matters"

Pastor Jamie first reviews the commitments that Christ has made to we "the church/bride".  As we review His commitments it reveals to us the commitments we make to each other within the family.  His commitment arose because of love, was expressed in His covenant to us and results in our inheritance.  Our commitment to him arises through faith, is expressed in our worship and results in obedience to Holy Spirit.

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Grace 101: What's Love Got to Do With It?

FEBRUARY 14, 2017

This Valentine's Day teaching on love points out three things:

The Source of Love, The Force of Love and the Course of Love.  1 John 4:8 tells us that God is love.  John 3:16 tells us that God's love caused Him to give and Romans tells us that his love has been spread abroad in our hearts.  This teaching will inspire you to love as he loved us!


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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Family Matters: Resolving Conflict

FEBRUARY 12, 2017

First of three messages in the series "Family Matters"

 Every family faces conflict.  Even Jesus had family conflict.  Conflict is inevitable; combat is optional.  Listen to this message and learn methods in Resolving Conflict within the family.  Your Family Matters to the Father.  

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Money and the Messiah

FEBRUARY 5, 2017

The third and final installment of our series on the "Messiah".  We have been introduced to the miracles of the Messiah and the Mandate of the Messiah in the previous two weeks.  This message is intended to encourage the hearer to become a stewart of the finances God has blessed them with.  Finance is the number one problem plaguing people in our society.  Jesus taught more on the subject of money than he did heaven and hell combined.  

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Chris Polk Chris Polk

Grace 101: Grace and Truth - Question and Response Time

January 31, 2017

Pastor Jamie and Lisa Wright open up the floor and invite members to ask any question they would like about belief systems and doctrine taught at GLC.  A variety of questions are offered by the congregation and our Pastors respond to each.  

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Chris Polk Chris Polk

Grace 101: 1 Samuel Part Two - Rise of the Monarch

I Samuel 4:1-16:1

As the decline of the theocracy over the nation of Israel, God tells Samuel to let them have their king. This teaching if part two of 1 Samuel will inform you of the Rise of the Monarchy in the history of Israel

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Chris Polk Chris Polk

Mandate of the Messiah

JANUARY 22, 2017

Matthew 28 & Mark 16

This is the second message in the series entitled the "Messiah!" After the Resurrection and before his ascension Jesus commissioned his disciples with a Mandate to continue his work. The Mandate of the Messiah is for his disciples today. Listen to this teaching and Go!

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Dr. Lynn Hiles: God Has Moved Into the Neighborhood - Attitudes We Ought To Be

JANUARY 14, 2017


Dr Lynn Hiles is a mentor to our pastors at GLC. In this series Lynn teaches us how the kingdom of God is in operation in the earth today. look look God has moved into the neighborhood- this message points out the attitudes we ought to be in the New Covenant. The beatitudes as you have never heard them. 

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Dr. Lynn Hiles: God Has Moved Into the Neighborhood - Today

JANUARY 13, 2017

Dr Lynn Hiles is a mentor to our pastors at GLC. In this series Lynn teaches us how the kingdom of God is in operation in the earth today. look look God has moved into the neighborhood-TODAY.  We don't have to wait for him to come. 

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Miracles of the Messiah

JANUARY 8, 2017

Learn the four miracles that only the messiah could accomplish. The Old Testament prophecies of these miracles that the Messiah would fulfill

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Grace 101: Book of Ruth - Romance, Redeemer & Restoration

JANUARY 3, 2017

Ruth 1:1-3:1

As we jump back into our Grace 101, we are in the book of Ruth finding Grace. In the unfolding of the first two chapters we see the characters of this great story, the main two being Ruth and Boaz. Listen and glean about the Kinsman Redeemer and his willingness and ability to Redeem and Restore.  

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Manifested Miracles

God is manifesting His miracles in your life.  

JANUARY 1, 2016

Ephesians 3:20 (Passion Translation)

As we step into 2017, Holy Spirit has spoken to us about the Manifestation of Miracles. This message reminds the believer they are equipped to see miracles, signs and wonders in their everyday life. Why does God still perform miracles?  Listen and glean. 

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Characters of Christmas Week Three: The Forgotten Ones, The Shepherds

DECEMBER 18, 2016

Luke 2:8-20

The shepherds were forbidden in the temple because of their inability to stay ceremonially pure. That did not stop God from coming to the Forgotten Ones in the fields keeping watch over their flocks. Listen and explore the wonder they saw, the work they did and the witness they gave. 

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