Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Planted: Roots

We are rooted in Christ! It is the only good ground for our lives!

March 24, 2024

We are rooted in Christ! It is the only good ground for our lives!

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Planted: The Garden Within

According to the Song of Songs God has placed a garden inside his bride. This Garden defuses the fragrance of Christ in everything you do & everywhere you go.

March 17, 2024

According to the Song of Songs God has placed a garden inside his bride. This Garden defuses the fragrance of Christ in everything you do & everywhere you go.

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Planted: The Seed Is The Word Of God

We will be learning from the parable of the sower and the seed from Luke 8. This passage reveals different types of soil. The Seed is the Word of God = Jesus. Pastor Jamie will be teaching on the planting of the seed and the levels of receptivity to the seed being planted. 

March 10, 2024

We will be learning from the parable of the sower and the seed from Luke 8. This passage reveals different types of soil. The Seed is the Word of God = Jesus. Pastor Jamie will be teaching on the planting of the seed and the levels of receptivity to the seed being planted. 

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

What Kind Of World Do You Want To Live In?

We live in a world without end. How do we know this? Listen to this word & receive new revelation at how to receive the answer!

Weekend With Dr. Lynn Hiles 2024 - March 3, 2024

Audio Block
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We live in a world without end. How do we know this? Listen to this word & receive new revelation at how to receive the answer!

Keep Up With Dr. Lynn Hiles: lynnhiles.com
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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

How The Western Church Has Viewed End Times

Dr. Lynn Hiles presents a Fresh look at the way the Western Church has viewed End Times for the past 200 plus years. This seminar will give you resources to dive into to make your own decision about Eschatology\End Times \Rapture.

Weekend With Dr. Lynn Hiles 2024 - March 3, 2024

Dr. Lynn Hiles presents a Fresh look at the way the Western Church has viewed End Times for the past 200 plus years. This seminar will give you resources to dive into to make your own decision about Eschatology\End Times \Rapture.

Keep Up With Dr. Lynn Hiles: lynnhiles.com

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Pastor Jamie's Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/pastorjrw3

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

A Fresh Look At End Times (Seminar + Q&R)

On a Saturday morning Dr. Lynn Hiles talks about the fresh new outlook you can have at Eschatology.

Weekend With Dr. Lynn Hiles 2024 - March 3, 2024

On a Saturday morning Dr. Lynn Hiles talks about the fresh new outlook you can have at Eschatology.

Keep In Touch With Dr. Lynn Hiles: lynnhiles.com
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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Radical Love: Loving Your Neighbor


In conclusion of our Radical Love Series we will discover that everyone is always welcome at the table of the Lord. Jesus knows our heart and loves us still. May we learn to love as He first loved us. 

February 25, 2024


In conclusion of our Radical Love Series we will discover that everyone is always welcome at the table of the Lord. Jesus knows our heart and loves us still. May we learn to love as He first loved us. 

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Radical Love: Manifested

The way we love others has to come from the manifested radical love of Christ.

February 18, 2024

The way we love others has to come from the manifested radical love of Christ.

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Radical Love: His Love Language

Today is week two- Pastor Jamie will discuss the vocabulary of love. As He talks to us and we have conversation with others it should be seasoned with grace. The only posture and topic of the Father is LOVE!

February 11, 2024

Today is week two- Pastor Jamie will discuss the vocabulary of love. As He talks to us and we have conversation with others it should be seasoned with grace. The only posture and topic of the Father is LOVE!

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Radical Love: Love Yourself

It's simple. You cannot love others as christ called us to do, UNLESS you first love yourself.

February 4, 2024

It's simple. You cannot love others as christ called us to do, UNLESS you first love yourself.

2 Corinthians 10:12

1 Samuel 30:6

2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Song of Solomon 1:6

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

OPEN: Doors

In Revelation 3:8 & 4:1 God shows John an Open door. In the Bible, “doors” often symbolize opportunities, breakthroughs, and access to new realms of understanding or experience. Once again Pastor Jamie acknowledges the work Jesus has already completed to provide open doors for us. May you be infused with courage and discernment, as you hear Good News inspiring you to walk through this OPEN DOOR!!

January 28, 2024

In Revelation 3:8 & 4:1 God shows John an Open door. In the Bible, “doors” often symbolize opportunities, breakthroughs, and access to new realms of understanding or experience. Once again Pastor Jamie acknowledges the work Jesus has already completed to provide open doors for us. May you be infused with courage and discernment, as you hear Good News inspiring you to walk through this OPEN DOOR!!

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Pastor Jamie's Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/pastorjrw3

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

OPEN: Hearts

When you have an OPEN Heart, it opens other doors! Listen to this teaching & learn how to have an open heart/mind.

January 21, 2024

When you have an OPEN Heart, it opens other doors! Listen to this teaching & learn how to have an open heart/mind.

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

OPEN: Ears

We desire to be OPEN to the move of Holy Spirit more than ever. We believe we are living under an open heaven and desire to hear what heaven says, see what heaven sees, and walk through every door heaven opens for us. Opportunities to share the Gospel with everyone, everywhere, every day, all you have to do is open your EARS & listen.

January 14, 2024

We desire to be OPEN to the move of Holy Spirit more than ever. We believe we are living under an open heaven and desire to hear what heaven says, see what heaven sees, and walk through every door heaven opens for us. Opportunities to share the Gospel with everyone, everywhere, every day, all you have to do is open your EARS & listen.

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Pastor Jamie's Instagram: / pastorjrw3

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

OPEN: Eyes

We are kicking off the new year with a series titled OPEN. We desire to be OPEN to the move of Holy Spirit more than ever. We believe we are living under an open heaven and desire to hear what heaven says, see what heaven sees and walk through every door heaven opens for us as opportunities to share the Gospel with everyone, everywhere, every day! 

January 7, 2024

We are kicking off the new year with a series titled OPEN. We desire to be OPEN to the move of Holy Spirit more than ever. We believe we are living under an open heaven and desire to hear what heaven says, see what heaven sees and walk through every door heaven opens for us as opportunities to share the Gospel with everyone, everywhere, every day! 

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright


On New Years Eve we have so many people that get together to party! Millions meet in Time Square to celebrate. But how many people celebrate Christ as passionately as they do New Years Eve?

December 31, 2023

On New Years Eve we have so many people that get together to party! Millions meet in Time Square to celebrate. But how many people celebrate Christ as passionately as they do New Years Eve?

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

The Original Christmas Playlist: Simeon & Anna's Song

Simeon and Anna were faithful Jews who had waited all their lives for the Messiah. At the Temple, they recognized Jesus as the Promised One. The lyrics of both Simeon and Anna express gratitude and fulfillment.

December 24, 2023

Simeon and Anna were faithful Jews who had waited all their lives for the Messiah. At the Temple, they recognized Jesus as the Promised One. The lyrics of both Simeon and Anna express gratitude and fulfillment.

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

The Original Christmas Playlist: Mary's Song

Mary's song as recorded in Luke is a song of Hope for the world. Her lyrics declare the Victory of God over the evil intends of the adversary. The rejoicing of the mother of the king is contagious and teaches us to rejoice in the present.

December 17, 2023

Mary's song as recorded in Luke is a song of Hope for the world. Her lyrics declare the Victory of God over the evil intends of the adversary. The rejoicing of the mother of the king is contagious and teaches us to rejoice in the present.

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Hope For The Holidays (Finding Peace In His Promises)

The Holidays can be hard. They can be stressful. They can even be hurtful, but remember what was prophesied long ago. Christ came on Christmas so that he can be with us forever.


December 10, 2023

The Holidays can be hard. They can be stressful. They can even be hurtful, but remember what was prophesied long ago. Christ came on Christmas so that he can be with us forever.


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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

The Original Christmas Playlist: The Angel's Song

The Original Christmas songs found in Luke 1 & 2 include the majestic lyrics announced by the angelic chorus. This song carries the tune of Peace on earth & Good News for ALL people. It is the song the redeem have echoed throughout the years. Great Joy as we celebrate the birth of our King!

December 3, 2023

The Original Christmas songs found in Luke 1 & 2 include the majestic lyrics announced by the angelic chorus. This song carries the tune of Peace on earth & Good News for ALL people. It is the song the redeem have echoed throughout the years. Great Joy as we celebrate the birth of our King!

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Jamie Wright Jamie Wright

Differently: Think

In the concluding sermon in our series, DIFFERENTLY, we will add that we must THINK DIFFERENTLY as well as SEE, SPEAK & BELIEVE DIFFERENTLY. It is when you become trapped in a particular way of thinking that is destructive and damaging. We need to learn to cast down every thought that exalts itself ABOVE the knowledge of Christ. Don't empower strongholds in the mind by demonizing them. You CAN change your thoughts even when you can't change your circumstnaces.

November 26, 2023

In the concluding sermon in our series, DIFFERENTLY, we will add that we must THINK DIFFERENTLY as well as SEE, SPEAK & BELIEVE DIFFERENTLY. It is when you become trapped in a particular way of thinking that is destructive and damaging. We need to learn to cast down every thought that exalts itself ABOVE the knowledge of Christ. Don't empower strongholds in the mind by demonizing them. You CAN change your thoughts even when you can't change your circumstnaces.


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Pastor Jamie's Instagram: / pastorjrw3

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